Lower, Middle, Upper school Overview
The Lower School is designed to cater primarily for Key Stage 2 students (although some Key Stage 3 students attend here) as it is a small, safe and nurturing environment. This space enables a student's transition to Notton House to be determined by their personal and social development rather than age. Lower School is split into 2 classes with a teacher and teaching assistant in each one. Daily, we practise our Literacy and Numeracy skills through play, kinaesthetic activities and written work.
We also aim to develop skills to cope with emotional challenges through a number of PSHE based games, crafts and group activities. We are learning to build relationships to enable us to access the secondary curriculum.
During a typical school day all subjects are taught from the National Curriculum. The class teacher teaches the core subjects including: Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Science, Humanities, PSHE, and SMSC. Students visit other specialist teachers around the school for Art, Food Technology, and P.E. During the school day, students are encouraged to make “good choices”, learn new skills and make progress. The academy values of Safety, Kindness, Respect are embraced in all areas of the academy, within the school day and on residential houses.
After the education day, students are greeted by our care team. Showing the academy values determines the activity students are offered during the evenings. We want all students to be safe, to be kind, and to show respect.