SMSC and the 'Global Project'
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is promoted not only through identified SMSC 'Global
Project' lessons and other subjects of the curriculum but also through the ethos of the school and through the development of positive attitudes and values.
Our SMSC curriculum supports and reinforces the aims of our school, valuing all children and staff equally and as individuals. British values are promoted through our SMSC 'Global Project'. We offer dedicated lessons for students to learn about the lives of others around the world. Each term every tutor group chooses a different country within a chosen continent, they then compare the culture of the chosen country to their own. Students discuss and research their chosen country and present their work at a themed celebrations assembly at the end of each term where we welcome families and our local community to join us for food, music and dance events.
For more information, please contact Martyn Watkins, Well-being Curriculum
SMSC 'Global Project' Themes
- Term 1 Africa
- Term 2 The Middle East
- Term 3 Asia
- Term 4 Europe
- Term 5 Oceania and Australasia
- Term 6 The Americas
It is an expectation at Notton House Academy that all staff, in all subjects, can and should make a contribution to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of pupils through the taught curriculum and through the use of appropriate teaching and learning strategies e.g. discussion, reflection, pupil participation, etc. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is crucial for individual pupils, staff and for society as a whole. We believe it is the heart of what education is all about - helping pupils grow and develop as people.
The importance of relationships between all school staff, parents and governors is crucial. These relationships will be characterised by mutual respect, by positive attitudes, by the willingness to listen and be listened to and by the valuing of all pupils.
General Aims for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, Notton House Academy aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society. In accordance with this Notton House Academy aims towards ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum:
- To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
- To prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
- To promote respect and consideration for differences in gender, race, religion
- To help each pupil achieve their full potential across all areas of the curriculum
- To develop the individual strengths of all pupils and to help and provide support in areas for development
- To inspire and stimulate the pupils in order to foster a love of learning and enquiry, to reason rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills
- To help our pupils towards independent learning and to equip them with all life skills in order for them to take their place in a fast changing society
- To ensure there is continuity and progression in skills, knowledge and understanding in all areas of the curriculum
- To develop respect for religious and moral values and understanding of other races, religions and ways of life